Sunday, July 5, 2009

Here we go!

My very first blog post. Well it's official... I'm leaving... and very soon! Who would've known this day could come so fast. My flights have been booked for August 23rd. I fly from Edmonton to Toronto to Paris to Prague to Zilina and I only have one hour to find my way in the Paris airport. And so the adventure begins! Here goes nothing!

I'll keep you posted. Promise.



  1. you took the good format. im at alexs-escapades.

  2. Safe travels - your adventure has just begun but we're all with you in spirit!
    Wendy Galloway

  3. Hello Paige,
    I will go to the meeting tomorrow morning with the news that most of you have arived at Zilina, and that you are well and relatively happy.
    Having gotten to know you, I don't think that it is much of a hardship for you to go shopping, I know that it is not one of your goals in Zilina, but I also know it is one of your favorite things.
    One question, was there a Rotarian or committee of Rotarians to meet you at the airport?
    I'm meeting Lauren far lunch today, and we'll get Interact going for this year.
    Good luck finding your luggage, it will catch up to you, the only question being, WHEN.
    Glad to hear about your host family.
    Stay positive and enjoy.
