Friday, October 16, 2009

Zima futbal!

So not much has happened since my last, probably because it was only 20 hours ago that I wrote something but I just felt the need to inform you that I'm freezing cold! I just got back from playing futbal in the freezing cold. Admittedly it was fun because the snow and rain made it all muddy and slippery, but very very cold! who ha! As the slovaks would say.

AND I now have plans for the weekend. It always seems to happen like that. Come Thursday I have nothing on the agenda and then Friday afternoon rolls around and I end up having to choose what I want to do. So Tommorrow morning I'm going shopping with my school mates for warmer waterproof shoes (because it never stops raining here) and mitts and a hat. I gotta prepare for winter! Then tommorow afternoon I leave for a cottage near Bratislava. My family and I will be staying there with our family friends for one night. I'm excited! It should be fun! But I'll keep you updated as always.

love paige

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