Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Pesek's

So I'm in a new family now. I think I may have mentioned that briefly before. As it turned out the family I was supposed to go to is going to canada for two weeks to visit their son so I would be homeless for that time. So instead of putting out on the streets Rotary set me up with a new family--the Peseks. I will be staying with them for three weeks (or maybe until the end no one knows for sure). But I am VERY happy here. All of my other families have been great but I really feel at home with this one. I'm not too sure why but I'm not gonna question it. I have a host mom and dad who are probably in their early fifties. I also have a 15 year old host sister, Ivet, who is so sweet. I think we will get very close! I've only been here five days now but already we've shared a lot about eachother. Plus it's really nice having someone else somewhat close to my age in the house. That way when I'm bored I have someone to talk to. And I'm getting really good practice with my Slovak because she doesn't know too much English. But that's alright with me. It's a really cool feeling to come away from a conversation knowing you just spent the entire time talking in a foreign language.

Even though I've only been with this family for a short time I've already had quite a few adventures with them. This past weekend we went to the high tatras and stayed in a beautiful hotel for two nights. I was in heaven because there was a sauna and jacuzzi and a really cushy bed. And guess what we spent our time doing there???? Bet you would have never guessed GOLFING! Yup I learned how to golf and it was actually surprisingly fun. I think by the end of my exchange I will have tried everything. But it was great. They go golfing quite often it seems and they really love it. They have a bunch of friends (who all work in the same company as my host dad)and so that's what they do on their holidays. And they really know how to golf too. I mean we got all decked out in the golf gear. The gave me a matching polo shirt so I was officially part of the fam team and baseball cap and I even borrowed golf shoes so I was ready to go. I hit a ball (or rather tried to hit a ball) a few times on the driving range and then they sent me to the putting area. Probably because I looked as though I was a danger to the people standing around me. Let's just say I'm not a gifted golfer. But it was still fun. Then when we actually went on the course my host dad and I were a team so he played until we were on the green and then I got to put it into the hole. No hole in ones but I think we didn't do too badly for ourselves.

And then yesterday and today I've been a little sick. I have a stomach bug it seems but it's kind of difficult to explain that in Slovak. So then they were all worried about me yesterday and they took my temperature and I had a slight temperature and then they were REALLY worried. It was all quite cute and it made me feel very loved. So I spent the day in bed sleeping and drinking insane amounts of tea, because you know tea heals all. And I've been told I'm sick because of the changing weather this time. But today I felt slightly better and so left the house for a bit but my stomach is still off so I'm not eating much. so then of course my host parents noticed because they love to feed me and then guess what they gave me? a shot of Borovicka which is some good %40 alcohol. So I guess we're taking it up a notch from the tea. I'll fill you in on whether it helps or not later. haha.

All in all though I'm very happy here and can tell we are going to have some good times. :)

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