Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Well I'm off again. This is my last big trip with all the exchange students so it will be a good one but a sad one. At the end of this week we are going to see a lot of them head back to their countries! We've come to be sooo close over the past months and comfortable with each other so it will be hard to see people go. We will have one last farewell weekend at the end of June but not everyone is going to that.

But I'm looking forward to this week (or rather the next ten days) because We have two conferences and a trip in between! First we are going to Slovensky Raj (aka Slovak Paradise, the most famous national park in Slovakia) for some hiking and orientation for the outbounds next year from Slovakia. Then all the inbounds (aka me!) are going to Krakow and Prague on a trip! Which should be wonderful! I haven't actually been to Prague yet this year and it's such a famous city which is really just a hop, skip, and a jump away! And then finally after five days touring we are going to the big district conference for the outbounds and their families and rotarians and the inbounds (me) get to talk with them about exchange and the countries they will be going. I know at least one kid is going to Canada (she is from Zilina) and so I am excited to get to talk to her about what she can expect and things. It should be really great!

Packing for the trip was interesting though. I have a little bit of everything we have to be prepared for anything from hiking in the forest in teh rain to full on formal for the district dinner so I have a LOT of stuff. But I'm sure everyone will be in the same boat. And so once again I have my life squished into a suitcase and I'm ready for yet another adventure. Here goes!!!!!



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